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5 Reasons Parents Should Invest in Swimming Lessons for Their Kids

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5 Reasons Parents Should Invest in Swimming Lessons for Their Kids

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Children love summertime and swimming. No matter the time of day or the temperature, swimming is always fun for kids. They’re ready to swim at a moment’s notice! Parents must stay aware of this excitement and keep them protected around the water. One very important way to protect them is through swimming lessons. Here are 5 reasons parents should invest in swimming lessons.

1. Safety

Safety is the number one reason to invest in swimming lessons. Children become educated on how to navigate through the water. They learn how to become comfortable in the water. And, they learn what they need to do if they find themselves in trouble while swimming. Proper lessons help equip them with the skills they need to stay safe.

2. Confidence

Swimming lessons do increase water confidence. Being comfortable in the water allows them to gain the confidence to stretch beyond their comfort zone and try new moves. Learning different techniques boosts their awareness and body image. Children usually develop the confidence to try other water sports like water skiing, surfing, or jet-skiing.

3. Exercise

Swimming is a great activity for cardiovascular strength and training. Putting kids in swimming lessons is a creative way to introduce an exercise regimen that they’re likely to stick with. Compared to most other cardio sports, swimming is also less likely to cause injuries because it’s low impact.

4. Development

Swimming has been reported to boost brain development in kids. This is because the activity aids in motor development, coordination, and balance. This is an especially important consideration for preschoolers and toddlers whose brains and muscle memory are starting to form.

5. Fun, Lots of It

This one should probably be at the top of the list! The more advanced kids become in swimming lessons, the more fun they have. They learn cool tricks, turns, and spins and learn how to do it all safely. The fun also extends to cool water toys and inflatables in those all-day pool parties.

Swimming lessons should continue for children until they become responsible swimmers. Only parents and swim instructors together can determine when that responsibility happens.

Of course, a backyard pool will let your expert swimmers, and the whole family, enjoy the activity any time they want! Fall is prime pool-building season. Contact us to learn more about designing your pool, or to get on our installation schedule.

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