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6 Top Swimming Pool Design Trends for 2023

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6 Top Swimming Pool Design Trends for 2023

top swimming pool design trends for 2023

One thing the past few years have taught us is that spending more time at home has caused us to move many of our former exclusively inside activities to our outside spaces. We are making more use of our decks, patios, and backyards. This concept has translated into the world of pool design trends in that we are seeing some big changes in the aesthetic and functionality of our outdoor spaces. Pool design is far less cookie cutter than in past years, and some fresh new ideas are giving our backyards a much more unique appearance. Let’s take a look at the six top swimming pool design trends for 2023.

1.   Contemporary Style: A Major Pool Design Trend

Clean lines and simplicity are major pool design trends in 2023. We are seeing more rectangular pools and fewer freeform designs. Also, the rock waterfall feature that has been so big in the past number of years is being overtaken by more streamlined multi-level water features.

2.   Pool Colors: Think Outside the Box

People are branching out from the standard blue, turquoise, or green pool colors. The choice to have a darker pool is being made by more pool clients, with black or grey often selected for a unique look. A darker pool also absorbs heat, making it less expensive (and more energy efficient) to heat. 

3.  Multi-Level: Many Options for Pool Depths

There are so many more options for pool owners nowadays when it comes to choosing pool depths. Multi-level pool depths are a big swimming pool design trend for 2023. You don’t have to have a shallow end that gradually gets deeper on the opposite end. You can choose a pool with shallow edges at both ends, gradually getting deeper in the center of the pool.

Or how about an “all deep” pool, also called a “sports pool”? A pool with water all the same depth is great for many recreational activities such as swimming, water aerobics, and water sports such as basketball and volleyball. On the other hand, the tanning ledge craze isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. These shallow ledges are bumped-out shelves often large enough for submerged pool loungers. They can be used for sunning, reading, or conversation. They are also great for introducing younger members of the family to the water.

4.   Infinity Edges: A Continuing Pool Design Trend

An infinity edge pool is one where the water drops off for one or more levels, creating the illusion that the water has no boundary and stretches out into an infinite horizon. They are particularly well suited for properties with a great view. An infinity edge pool is wonderful for showcasing your surroundings. Along with the multi-level trend, some infinity pools have multiple levels of spillovers.

5.   Combining Fire and Water: Why Not Have Both?

Did you think a fire feature or a water feature was an “either/or” deal? There are design options available that combine both fire and water for a stunning and dramatic effect. Fire bowls and fire pits have been very popular for some years. However, when combined with a water feature, the visual drama is turned up several notches. They can be operated independently of one another or combined for maximum effect. 

6.   Lighting: To Highlight Your Design Features

Custom lighting features to highlight all the exciting new pool design trends are a must. Of course, lighting is needed around your pool for safety and functionality. However, with today’s LED lighting technology, homeowners can spotlight their unique design features and enhance the aesthetics of their poolscapes and backyards. Lighting can be installed with multiple color options which create various moods for relaxing or entertaining. When water features are highlighted with special lighting effects, it can appear that different colored jets of water are shooting into the pool.

These six top swimming pool design trends for 2023 are just some of the many innovations that are taking custom pool building by storm.  If you want to feature some or all of these concepts in your custom pool, you need to start with the best pool builder. Aqua Pools prides itself on keeping up with the latest technology and trends in pool design. We don’t just install pools; we create a complete backyard experience. Call or visit us soon and let’s discuss making your dream pool a reality.

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