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Aquatic Dance Therapy in Your Swim Spa

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Aquatic Dance Therapy in Your Swim Spa

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Have you struggled to find a form of exercise that you enjoy? Perhaps you have joined the gym countless times only to give up after a few weeks. Maybe those hundred-dollar running shoes are gathering dust in your closet. And you still have a muffin top and ten pounds to lose. If you have concluded that lifting weights, running, and using the treadmill are not your cup of tea, we have a suggestion for you. Why not give aquatic dance therapy in your swim spa a try? Do you love music? Do you find yourself dancing along when a catchy tune comes on the radio? Combining your enjoyment of music with exercising in your swim spa may be the answer to your fitness goals.


What is Aquatic Dance Therapy?

In its simplest form, aquatic dance therapy is moving to music in warm water. It is similar to water aerobics, only done to music. It is less about doing specific exercises and more about performing movement sequences smoothly in the water along with the music. 


Who Can Do It?

Aquatic dance therapy is suitable for people of all fitness levels. The resistance of the water is easy on the joints and is supportive to the limbs. Researchers have found that aquatic therapy is especially helpful to those who have had any sort of joint surgery. If you find performing exercises on gym equipment painful, you will love aquatic dance therapy. The combination of gentle movements and relaxation is a truly blissful way to exercise. This form of exercise is fun, simple, effective, and will not add to your pain.


What Are the Benefits?

Regular performance of aquatic dance therapy results in increased muscle strength and better flexibility. Your joints may ache less, and you may lose weight. An hour of aquatic dance therapy burns over 300 calories. Who wouldn’t want that? Best of all, an hour’s session in the warm water of your swim spa is priceless for the relaxed feeling you are left with. Over time, you could lose weight, improve muscle tone, and reduce stress.


How Does It Work?

You can perform aquatic dance therapy to any type of music, but Zumba is a particularly effective and popular choice. The tempo of the music in aquatic dance is typically of a slower tempo than a “land” Zumba class. The reason for this is that slower movements are easier to do in the water. However, a major benefit to the slower tempo is that even the most uncoordinated of us can manage to keep up! Most people find they can pick up the movements quite quickly. You perform the same movements of a regular Zumba routine, only slower and in the water. 


If you enjoy dance, but find the rigors of land-based dance aerobics too strenuous, aquatic dance therapy could be the perfect choice for you. Dancing in the water combines a fun-packed activity with all the benefits of a higher-impact form of exercise. If you have struggled to find a form of exercise you like, aquatic dance therapy in your swim spa could be the key to achieving your fitness goals while actually enjoying yourself in the process.


A swim spa is a perfect balance between a great workout and relaxation.  Aqua Pools is here to answer all your swim spa-related questions. 


A swim spa is a perfect balance between a great workout and relaxation.  Aqua Pools is here to answer all your swim spa-related questions. 


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