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Boost Your Holiday Metabolism with a Hot Tub

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Boost Your Holiday Metabolism with a Hot Tub

boost metabolism with hot tub

Do you dread the holidays due to the five to 10 extra pounds you always seem to pack on? Do you wonder if there is any way around it except giving up all the special treats you look forward to all year ‘round? There might be something in your own backyard that could help stave off that pesky holiday weight gain. Did you know you could boost your metabolism with a hot tub?

What is Metabolism Anyway?

Metabolism is the process by which the calories in the food we eat is converted into energy. Some of this energy is stored in our tissues and body fat and is used to support new cell growth. Think of it as being banked in case we need to use it later.  The rest of the converted energy is used to keep our organs functioning, to enable us to think and move about, and to get us through our day. If we use up our available energy, we dip into the energy we have stored as body fat. This means we will “burn more calories” and lose weight.

If You Want to Eat More, You Need to Fire Up Your Metabolism

First of all, it is important to be aware of holiday calorie consumption. During this season, it is helpful to track the food we eat and be more aware of the special goodies we may be adding to our daily calorie total. Give up Grandma’s special fudge or Dad’s homemade eggnog? Mmmm… not a chance. We can still enjoy those treats if we figure out ways to fire up our metabolism and burn more energy. And, boy, do we have a treat for you!

Use Your Hot Tub to Burn Calories

Most of us are game to figure out a way to enjoy our holiday treats — even if it means moving around a bit more. The good news is that just sitting in the hot tub can burn calories. The warmth of the water increases your circulation, which in turn stimulates your metabolism. Consider this a head start, and add in a few exercises to burn more calories. Get your heart rate up by running in place, doing leg raises, lunges, torso twists, and step-ups. Add in some water weights and work your upper body.

Better Sleep Decreases Appetite

If you are sleep deprived, your body will produce more cortisol, which is a stress hormone. When we are stressed out, we tend to eat more. Soaking in your hot tub before bed will relax you and your body will fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer. With your cortisol levels lower, you will be less tempted to crave fatty, sweet, and salty foods. When tempted by Grandma’s fudge, you will be able to content yourself with one piece rather than devouring half the pan.

The holidays don’t have to be an occasion for weight gain. You can absolutely enjoy your special holiday feasts and treats and not put on extra pounds. Try to keep to your regular meal schedule and be aware of how much you are eating. It is quite possible to boost your holiday metabolism with a hot tub. Use it to do some cardio and strength training routines and burn some of those extra calories. And don’t forget that your hot tub can relax you before bed and lower the appetite increasing hormone, cortisol. Use your hot tub regularly during the holidays, stay focused on your fitness goals, and avoid weight gain.

Are you in need of hot tub supplies? Aqua Pools is your Chicagoland source for all your hot tub service, maintenance and products.

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