Can you lose weight with a swim spa? You bet you can. As a matter of fact, a swim spa could revolutionize your struggle to lose weight and stay fit. A significant number of us battle with obesity, devising plan after plan to become physically fit and manage our weight. Rationally, we know that a balanced diet and regular exercise are the key components to achieving this goal. Unfortunately, so many factors get in the way of our success. Aqua Pools invites you to take a closer look at how a swim spa could be the turning point that helps win your fitness goals.
What is a Swim Spa?
A swim spa is more or less of a hybrid between a hot tub and a regular swimming pool. Swim spas are rectangular in shape and two or three times larger than a hot tub. They average about 8-feet wide to 11- to 19-feet long. They have a dedicated seating area for relaxation and hydrotherapy, but also have a larger area meant for exercise and swimming against a current. Swimming against the current means you can swim continuously without having to turn around and swim back as you would in a normal pool. If you are debating between an inground pool or a hot tub, a swim spa could be the ideal compromise. In terms of cost, a swim spa will cost more than a hot tub, but much less than an inground pool.
Exercise = Weight Loss
An article published by the Harvard School of Public Health describes the value of exercise for both losing weight and maintaining a healthy weight. A recent study done with 320 overweight postmenopausal women showed that after a year of moderate (45 minutes a day) exercise, the women who exercised showed a “significant” loss of weight.
Why Don’t We Do It?
Knowing that if we exercised more, we could lose weight and stay healthier and actually doing the work are two different things. So, what’s getting in the way? One big factor in not exercising regularly is that many of us find it inconvenient to carve out the time to exercise and then physically take ourselves to a gym, a local hiking trail, or an exercise class. With a swim spa conveniently located in the privacy of your own backyard, you’ll find you are far more likely to find that hour or less a day to pursue your fitness goals.
Benefits of Water Exercise in Particular
Exercising in the water has been shown to be a great calorie burner, no matter the age or level of fitness a person has. One of the greatest benefits water exercise provides is that it is low impact. The buoyancy of the water is supportive and that means less strain on your joints. In the water you can perform exercises that would be painful and perhaps even harmful if done on land. The warmth of the water also makes for increased flexibility and promotes less muscle soreness. But the greatest benefit of water exercise is resistance. While you are pushing against the water, the water is pushing back, forcing your muscles to work harder. The toning and strengthening benefits are considerable.
What Exercises Can You Do in a Swim Spa?
In addition to performing calisthenics and water aerobics, you can use your swim spa for swimming. Swimming does it all when it comes to improving fitness. Swimming is a total body workout, strengthening the muscles of legs, back, arms, core, and cardiovascular system. It provides all the benefits of running or biking in a low-impact environment. Also, if you add a few accessories to your swim spa, you can enjoy other types of exercise that will keep your routine varied and interesting. Add an aqua bike, an underwater treadmill, water weights, or a rowing kit to the mix and take your fitness journey to a new level.
Swim spas have been around for a while but are gaining in popularity. Aqua Pools carries the Marquis ATV® swim spas. Check out our website for more information on buying a swim spa and the benefits of the Marquis models in particular. Can you lose weight with a swim spa? Investing in a swim spa could be the best thing you could do to make your weight loss and fitness goals a reality.