Another important step in maintaining your pool is cleaning. Cleaners remove those unsightly stains that damage the appearance of your pool. Aqua Pools’ BioGuard cleaners leave pool water sparkling clean and vibrantly healthy.

Kleen It
Dirt and debris tend to collect in pool filters. Kleen It is a cleaner formulated to remove that dirt, as well as scales, rust, and other deposits from the D.E. cartridge and sand filters, all without causing any damage to the pool filter or other equipment.
Off The Wall
Formulated for use in both pools and spas, Off The Wall eliminates scales, stains, and dirt from most surfaces. It is effective and safe on vinyl, fiberglass, ceramic, stainless steel, aluminum, and painted surfaces. Off The Wall comes in a gel for easy application.

Strip-Kwick is formulated to remove oil and grease from your filters. It works much like shampoo does in your hair. Strip-Kwik extends the life of your pool and spa filters.
Stow Away
If you’ve ever put away a wet pool cover for the season, you’ve probably found it at the end of the season, damaged and nasty from mold and mildew. Stow Away is a product that protects your pool cover while it’s stored for the swimming season. It cleans and deodorizes, so that the cover doesn’t have to be dry before being stored.