Your hot tub is easily one of your favorite possessions. For many people it is the most used asset on their property. It’s relaxing, fun, and it can make family time take on a whole new meaning.
If you have children then you know how important it is to keep them safe, even though they don’t always have that priority. Hot tub safety doesn’t have to be intrusive. But there are a few things that you should think about before your children or grandchildren take a soak.
Who Can Get In
The water in a hot tub is usually set at 102-104 degrees. That is a wonderfully relaxing temperature for an adult. For a child it can be way too hot. The risk is there that they could get overheated. Any kid under five should avoid getting in the hot tub at all. The older kids can get in but the temperature should be dialed down to about 98 degrees. And if the child can’t sit down with their head and shoulders still above the water then they need to sit on the edge and just let their feet get wet.
Avoiding Hazards
There are other things that should be avoided when your family is enjoying spending time in the hot tub. Teach your children to stay above the water and not to dive in. It’s always better to play things on the safe side. And no one should be diving into a hot tub. They’re very shallow and jumping in can possibly cause injuries.
Electronic devices should not be used close to your hot tub. If you like listening to music while you soak, be sure the speakers are at least twenty feet away. Any kind of electronics have a risk of causing a shock when they’re close to water. A lot of manufacturers make hot tubs with bluetooth speakers built in which eliminates this worry altogether.
Hot Tub Covers
Having a good cover for your hot tub is important for your energy consumption, but it is also a great safety device. If your spa is properly covered then the risk of a child falling in when you aren’t aware is greatly reduced. In addition there are locks and alarm systems that can be put in place to ensure that no one is getting that cover off without you knowing about it.
At Aqua Pools we know how important your family is. We want to be sure that you have everything that you need to make your patio a place that you can have quality time with your kids while also making them as safe as possible. Come visit our showroom in Worth or Homer Glen and let our friendly staff show you some of the safety features we offer. Visit our website to learn more or come and visit us on Facebook or Twitter.