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How EGGcessories Developed a Devoted Cult Following

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How EGGcessories Developed a Devoted Cult Following

eggcessories with a cult following

Do you have a Big Green Egg®? Would you consider yourself an “Egghead”? If so, undoubtedly you have a collection of some “EGGcessories” to enhance the experience. If you are totally in the dark about the Big Green Egg and how EGGcessories have developed a devoted cult following, read on to find out what you’re missing!

Let’s back up a minute for those who are new to this subject. The Big Green Egg is an egg-shaped ceramic grill cooker that uses lump charcoal and produces amazing grilled and smoked meats, veggies, and side dishes. You can use the versatile Big Green Egg to cook many other things, such as pizza, pies, and so much more. The company has been in operation since the mid-1970’s with online forums of users, multiple sites with recipes and tips, and countless YouTube videos. There is some truth to the statement that the Big Green Egg is a phenomenon. To use the Big Green Egg most effectively, it is helpful to have some essential EGGcessories. These have become a “thing” in their own right and enhance the cooking experience greatly.

5 Piece EGGspander Set

The EGGspander is an ingenious multi-tiered rack that effectively expands your cooking surface. With this device, you can simultaneously grill meat, sauté vegetables, and cook foods indirectly off the heat while grilling at the same time. Many people view this as the ultimate EGGcessory choice.

The ConvEGGtor 

This EGGcessory is an additional must-have device that converts your grill into a smoker. It is a flat ceramic plate that gives you the ability to bake, roast, and smoke in your Big Green Egg. The plate provides a barrier between the food and the fire, transforming your grill into a convection oven. If you want to smoke a brisket or bake a pizza, this is a tool you will find indispensable. 

Pizza Stone

There is no need for a separate pizza oven when you own a Big Green Egg. With the addition of the Big Green Egg pizza stone, you can bake pizzas that rival the finest pizza restaurants. The typical setup would be to use the ConvEGGtor over the fire, the grill top over that, and then place the pizza stone on top of the grill to bake the pizza. You can also use this stone to bake cookies, cakes, biscuits, and many desserts.

EGG Genius

If you want your cooking to come out perfectly every time, the EGG Genius might be just the thing. It is a device that controls the temperature of your Big Green Egg through your smartphone, tablet, or computer. You can remotely monitor the temperature and cooking of your meals and not worry about it coming out ruined. It is perfect when smoking meats for many hours. 

Additional Must-Have EGGcessories

  • The BGE Instant Read Thermometer provides instant temperature readings that take the guesswork out of cooking.
  • EGGmitt BBQ silicone grip cooking gloves protect your hands and arms.
  • Meat Claws make shredding big pieces of meat a breeze.
  • Dual-Purpose Meat and Roast Rack can be used for holding roasts and flipped to serve as a rib rack.
  • The BGE EGGniter safely and quickly lights your lump charcoal in just minutes.

Well, if you aren’t a complete “EGGhead” after reading this article, we bet you are at least intrigued by the Big Green Egg — the highest quality and most versatile outdoor cooker available.  Aqua Pools sells the complete line of Big Green Egg grills. We promise you we have EGGheads on staff who will be happy to chat with you about the advantages of the incredible Big Green Egg and how EGGcessories have developed a devoted cult following. Come on by or call today to find out more!


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