Remember the old days when we used to be able to go out for a planned date night? Movies, restaurants, and concerts may not be on the schedule these days, but you can still keep the romance alive in your relationship. You may be saying to yourself, “What, more together time? I have been with this person 24/7 for the past ten months”. That may be the case, but what we are suggesting is for you to schedule some more intentional and quality time with each other. The solution may be in your own backyard! Let’s see how you can keep the romance alive with a hot tub.
Make it Personal
Have you ever had someone dedicate themselves to doing things for you that are exactly what YOU like? What a wonderful way to show someone they are valued. Start with bringing them coffee in the morning, then make the bed or do some chore that typically is not one of “yours”. Express your appreciation for your partner in words of affirmation and loving actions. Tell them they are special and why your life is made better by their presence. Make their favorite dinner or order take out from a favorite restaurant. You could even suggest they have a soak alone in the hot tub if you sense what they need is a break from the family demands. Believe us, they will remember your thoughtfulness.
Involve All Your Senses
Make a plan with your partner that you will spend some time alone together in the hot tub after the kids are put to bed and make it special! You don’t need to spread two pounds of rose petals along the pathway to the hot tub. But you could put a few candles around, or set the hot tub LED lights to a pretty color that sets the mood. Involve your sense of smell with some hot tub specific aromatherapy scents, such as the Spazazz® line of products by Marquis. Put on a playlist of some soothing romantic music after enjoying a decadent dessert. Show your partner that you feel spending time together is an occasion worth honoring. The fact that you are making an effort will send a strong message of love and caring.
Be Present
Once you are settled in the comforting warmth of your hot tub, you need to be fully present. Being present means you are not distracted by screens. No checking social media or sending a quick text message to someone. It’s okay to put the rest of the world away for a while. Give your undivided attention and put your listening ears and enjoy a stimulating conversation with your favorite person. Allowing someone to be who they are and express themselves is one of the biggest secrets of maintaining a satisfying long-term relationship.
Why not make your hot tub the centerpiece for your romantic date night? It is readily available for some special together time for you and your partner. Show your spouse you care. The worries of the world will fall away once you are reconnecting with each other in the warmth and ambiance of your own private space. Keep the romance alive with your hot tub and plan a special date night now.
Aqua Pools is here for all your hot tub needs: equipment, maintenance, and supplies! Give us a call.