Homer Glen, IL: (708) 301-9400

Ladies' Night in the Swim Spa

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Ladies’ Night in the Swim Spa

spa day

Have you been missing getting together with friends? Now that restrictions are lifting all over the US, people are cautiously planning activities with others. We have a brilliant idea for you to not only get back in shape after putting on last year’s COVID 10 (pounds), but also enjoy an evening of pampering, post-workout. Your swim spa is the perfect venue. You are outside in the fresh air, have plenty of room to stay six feet apart, and can get in that workout you have been craving. And we think after all that good exercise, you need some special TLC. Let’s plan a  ladies’ night in the swim spa!


Keep It Small

It is best to keep the group small for a couple of reasons. Mainly, you can easily maintain a fair distance apart from one another with fewer people. Also, the quiet sense of intimacy and spa-like pampering is better attained with a more select number of guests. Anywhere from two to four people is perfect. Check with your besties to see if they would be interested in making a date to meet for a swim spa workout and some pampering afterward.


Prepare Your Swim Spa in Advance

You want your swim spa to be in top-notch condition for your ladies’ night. Make sure it is scrubbed, vacuumed, and that the water is balanced and sanitized. Tidy up the surrounding area as well. Ideally, that is where your after-workout activities will take place. Strings of lights are a festive and bright touch for the beauty treatments you will indulge in after your workout. It is also wise to have a music playlist prepared with lively selections for the workout and more soothing tunes for the after-workout relaxation.


Gather Some Extra Materials

It never fails that a guest forgets their towel, flip flops, or even their swimsuit. It’s always a good idea to have a basket of extra towels around the swim spa. Even better, add a basket of spare swimsuits and flip-flops for those who show up without. If your workout includes some sets with dumbbells, kickboards, or water weights, having a few extras of those on hand is a good idea as well.


Have a Plan for the Workout Routine

Since you are hosting the event, you should have a plan for your workout. Start slow and easy. You can always work up to more difficult moves at future get-togethers. If any special equipment, such as water weights, kickboards, etc are required be sure to let your guests know in advance so they can come prepared. Check out our Total Body Workout blog post for some great ideas.


Plan Some Healthy Refreshments

After your workout, you and your guests will be ready to reward yourselves with some refreshments and some pampering. Healthy choices are best for this occasion. Flavored sparkling water, fruit or veggie platters, and cheese and crackers all fit the bill perfectly. If you serve wine near the swim spa, use plastic glasses, and definitely do not offer it until the workout is over.


Now for Some Beauty Routines

Encourage your guests to get out of the swim spa and warm up in robes, towels, or their leisurewear. Now it’s time to bring out the spa treatments. Aromatic lotions are lovely to have on hand. A person’s skin is primed to absorb all that moisturizing treatment after the warmth of the spa water. Some basins of warm water for foot soaking and exfoliating are a real treat for those who want to pamper themselves with a pedicure. A full-blown manicure bar complete with cuticle creams, emery boards, and a selection of polishes will make every woman feel special. Have plenty of hand towels, cotton balls, and other nail supplies on hand. Lastly, what woman doesn’t enjoy a face mask treatment? They come in a plethora of scents and treatment types to suit everyone. Have a colorful basket of them ready. Prepare to laugh when all the girls apply one and your guests’ appearances are hilariously transformed during the process.

Your guests will be delighted with your thoughtfulness and be so grateful for the nudge into better fitness with your swim spa workout. Best of all, the special pampering choices you provide go a long way to making you the most popular hostess amongst your circle of friends. Who knows, everyone may love it so much that they want to make it a regular occurrence!

Be sure and contact Aqua Pools for any materials to prep your swim spa in advance. We may not have all the answers to your beauty-related questions, but our professional staff can surely give you the very best tips for making your ladies’ night in the swim spa experience one to be envied!

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