What are the Best Alternatives to a Chlorine Pool?
Ahhh, the smell of chlorine. For some, it is a staple fragrance of summer. For others, the very smell has their nose twitching and their skin itching. If you fall in the latter group, you are probably on the lookout for a good alternative to chlorine in your pool. Good news for you, sanitation alternatives have come along way. You actually have a few great options. Let’s take a closer look at each so you can determine which alternative is right for you.
A saltwater system uses electrolysis to convert salt to chlorine. The salt-based water purifier keeps your water clean and clear without the harsh chemicals. The PH of saltwater is closer to your body’s PH making it easier on your skin. You can safely open your eyes underwater and not worry about the burn. Saltwater also feels soft and makes your skin feel great!
The biggest concern people have with this type of system is that the pool will taste like the ocean. That really isn’t a concern at all. Saltwater pools are kept around 3200 ppm. The ocean has over 10 times that many ppm. When kept at proper levels the salt in a saltwater pool is undetectable by the human tongue. Salt sanitation is a great alternative to chlorine.
Ozone System
An ozone system isn’t exactly an alternative to chlorine, but rather a way to reduce the amount of chlorine needed. An ozone system is used in conjunction with a sanitizing system like chlorine to breakdown the organic matter in your water. An ozone system also prevents calcium buildup. The system will also provide you with softer water. Because it is taking care of all of these things, it reduces the amount of chlorine you use by as much as 90%! The chlorine system is still needed because ozone systems do not have the capability of sanitizing the pool. An ozone system pairs with your chlorine system reducing the chlorine usage and creating water that is PH neutral.
Bromine is another chlorine alternative. It is especially great for use with an indoor pool or spa because bromine is not stabilized when exposed to UV rays. Though more expensive than chlorine, when used indoors, it does not give off the strong smell that chlorine does. Another positive of bromine is that it is stable at high temperatures. Like the above systems, it also keeps the PH in a neutral state which means less skin and eye irritation.
Mineral Systems
Mineral systems are becoming increasingly popular among pool and spa owners. These systems are more expensive up front, but the payoffs are big! Mineral systems work off of automatic feeders. These feeders do the work for you by releasing the needed minerals out of a cartridge. Mineral systems create softer water and they don’t stain. They provide better algae control and better sanitation because they clear all of the bacteria. These benefits mean you will use far fewer chemicals and have less work.
When it comes to chlorine pool alternatives, the choice is yours. There are several great options, it really just comes down to personal preference. If you have questions about chlorine alternatives or are ready to purchase a new sanitation system, come see us at Aqua Pools. We would be happy to help.